September is the prime time to prepare your marketing for going all out this Autumn.
Q4 is the best time of the year to generate leads because clients start thinking about fresh starts, new objectives, and delivering projects by Christmas.
You want to be top of mind when they do that.
But if your current site doesn't explain the value you offer or generate leads, it will hold you back.
The good news is, you don't have to redesign it.
A copy refresh can make a huge difference to how well your site generates leads.
And it's easier to go all-out with business development when you have content that does the selling for you.
That’s why I’ve put together a fun and fast way to upgrade it so you can convert ideal clients at the time they need you the most.
First, we'll get together to clarify your messaging, and then I’ll edit 3 key pages of your current site so that:-
- Clients instantly understand and resonate with your value prop
- Your messaging and copy sounds like you
- Your site is optimised to generate leads with conversion and UX copy tweaks
You'll only need to spare a few hours, and it is only £999 ex VAT. You can reuse the messaging across social media, direct campaigns, and more.
You'll only need to spare a few hours of your time, and it is only £999 ex VAT. You can re-use the messaging across social media, direct campaigns and more.
But I only have 3 spaces, and you must book your slot by 6th September.
This is a slightly cut-down version of my 'Optimise it' package at a massively cut-down price. And I doubt I'll offer this again, as I have a whole new thing in the works.
Just book a quick 15-min call to see if it’s a fit.